Why You Need CCTV For Your Business

Your business is your most important asset and there’s a wide range of security threats to worry about out there. From cybersecurity threats to identity theft or privacy data leaks, you need to consider how your business could be invaded by anything online or in person.

Worried about your business premises being burgled?

When we say in person, we usually mean on-premises break-ins where theft and burglary can rid you of thousands of pounds worth of equipment. Even shoplifting and petty theft can add up over the course of a year.

Peace of mind and a deterrent to those who want to steal your assets.

This is why CCTV cameras are so important because they can offer your business the kind of security you need, offering you peace of mind and saving you money in the long-term despite an initial investment. It can act as a powerful deterrent to would-be burglars who will be concerned with being identified while entering your premises.

Can you guarantee your team a safe environment?

It may come as a surprise to you to know that CCTV camera systems are used a lot by businesses in the UK. If you’re selling goods, services and/or you handle confidential data, you need to be able to offer your team a safe environment, and give yourself the peace of mind that you have effective deterrents in place to prevent break-ins.

Don’t put yourself at risk of losing everything you’ve worked so hard for.

It is a complex matter choosing the right system to put in place and making your business premises secure. Even when you have the knowledge, there’s always the risk that anything seemingly minor can be overlooked, which could result in serious financial loss.

Here at Planet Fire & Security, we have a team of security experts.

We usually suggest that you leave it to a professional team of security experts to handle things, who will make sure you not only have the right system for your business needs but make sure that all risks are addressed appropriately with maintenance and upgrades where needed. The equipment you use will largely depend on how effective it is and what kind of results you’re going to get. Getting it right the first time is an important consideration for your long-term strategy in business security.

We don’t advise lots of cameras all over your business premises, that’s not always the best way to protect your assets. Choosing the right installation is crucial for it to work, and the goal is to have cameras which are so well placed it appears they are concealed but are in actual fact installed in areas where they will be at their most useful. Too many cameras everywhere are unmanageable and very expensive. A less intrusive system will allow for reliable surveillance and easy access control for those managing it.

There’s a lot to consider, which we are more than amply qualified for.

When we install a surveillance system we will take in many different, important factors such as lighting, the site we choose to install, the length of cables required and their exposure to the elements (which could damage them) and the ability to tamper with them.

The choice of camera equipment is also an important consideration.

We need to think about image quality, image processing software, facial recognition features, integration with security equipment and the addition of door locks and intercoms.

Surveys will give us all the relevant information we need.

We believe that conducting a survey is the best way to go prior to installing anything. We will use this opportunity to assess where the best typical access points are and other areas of interest. We will naturally encourage you to give us your input because you will know the most vulnerable areas better than we do.

Because of the economic climate as it is, it makes sense to ensure the security of your business premises is protected with the right CCTV system and that it is installed professionally and accurately so it works for you. It could literally save you thousands of pounds, and protect your team, it could protect you from assault and keep your assets safe so you can continue operating as a healthy business.

Want a CCTV system for your business?

If you’re now thinking about having CCTV installed, then get in touch with us here at Planet Fire & Security, where one of our dedicated team members will talk you through our process and what to expect. If you want to have a good night’s sleep without worrying about how your business will survive the harsh economic climate, then a secure CCTV system is the first step in doing that. We can’t wait to take your call.