Benefits of Access Control Systems

An Access Control System is a security solution that grants or denies access to a building or area. This system can be managed fairly easily and remotely so that those in charge of it have complete control over who can enter and exit. Knowing what the benefits of an access control system are will help you in finding the right one for you and your business.

Easily Managed

Among the most popular aspects of an access control system is the fact that it is so easy to manage the process of handling entrance and tracking of those in your premises. Using an access control system gives you the ability to monitor all traffic in and out of a location.

Monitor Activity

With an access control system installed you can easily track any activity in your building, whether that’s your own employees, delivery people or visitors. In the event of a break-in or theft you will be able to see who has accessed your building and the rooms therein where the access control system is set up to monitor activity.

Customise Access Times

Modern access control systems allow you to designate specific times for employees, visitors and anyone else to be granted entry. With this you can restrict employee entry to working hours, or if you are having visitors to the building you can restrict them to a set period of time. Adjusting access times can be done quickly and easily and will not interfere with security you have in place.

Different Levels of Credentials

It is possible to require specific credentials for access to different areas using your access control system. This means that different badges can be issued depending on an individuals clearance and to keep track of who can access what areas in your premises.

Do Away With Traditional Keys

Creating and keeping track of traditional keys can be a big hassle, which is why access control systems are so popular for businesses of all sizes. Without having to use traditional keys you will no longer have to track keys that have been issued or worry about a key being copied and shared.

 Make Entry and Exit Easy

When you want to know exactly who is coming in and leaving your building at all times then an access control system is a must. Streamlining access to your building helps you save time and money that can be re-focussed on other areas of your business. Tracking traffic in this way reduces the need for manual labour for building security to function.

Bolster Security and Minimise Risk

Moving to an access control system is one of the easiest ways to improve security in your building. The system not only better tracks who is in the building, it also provides deeper information about who is accessing specific rooms and how often. If you ever suffer a security breach, break-in or attempted hacking then you can easily track who has accessed where in your building.

Find Out More and Speak to the Experts

If you’re interested in investing in an Access Control System for your business or would just like to find out more then you can contact us and we’ll be happy to help.